
February 26, 2021

Valerie said goodbye to Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol during Lockdown time.

Post by giftofhealth

We are smiling ear to ear, seeing these pics and messages from Valerie.

If you meet her today you would never know how much she has gone through. In fact, she looks like a different person.

Last year, around this time, Valerie was struggling with High Blood Pressure, High cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, Arthritis, Stomach and Gut issues. She was on medications for high blood pressure and her doctor recommended taking medications for high cholesterol and diabetes.

As you can imagine, Valerie couldn’t really enjoy life because of her health issues. She was in denial about diabetes and high cholesterol and did not want to go on medications as recommended by her doctor.

She wanted to shift to healthier eating to avoid Diabetes and Cholesterol medications altogether.

Her typical diet used to be

Typical breakfast – ​toast and peanut butter, 

Typical lunch – A  sandwich with bread, mayo and either rotisserie chicken or processed meat

Typical supper – ground beef lasagna with mozzarella cheese • 

She loved having 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day.

Yogurt, granola, popcorn as favourite snacks.

Favourite primary food consisted of – chicken and beef

Favourite comfort food – potato chips and chocolate.

Eating out, at restaurants or take out place – twice a week

Not bad right. This is what most of us grew up with and consider this as a “normal diet”

As her cholesterol and blood sugar numbers kept creeping – Valerie recognized that she had to make changes in her diet and lifestyle. However, she struggled to make balanced meals to support her health and wellbeing. It was a challenge for her to eat healthy at restaurants and other people’s houses.

That’s when she joined our six-week Gift of Health Food as Medicine Program.

Through this program, she learned how to tap into the healing power of the body with nourishing and tasty foods.

She also learned how to plantify and create healthier versions of all her favourite foods.

Within a few days, she had massive health wins.

Her biggest win was that she saw her blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure levels drop to normal resulting in her avoiding going on diabetes and cholesterol medication and her doctor took her off blood pressure medication.

Another big win is she lost weight and started to feel in the best health she has felt in years.

Here is what Valerie shared with us

“I have reversed my Diabetes, lowered my cholesterol and been taken off my blood pressure medication. I have lost over 25 pounds. I feel better than I have ever felt in a long time.”

We are super happy to celebrate Valerie’s incredible transformation!


This could be your story too. You CAN experience this type of freedom from needing to pop pills, fight frustrations, and thinking life will never be the same.  You can get fit, healthy and happier, simply by taking charge of what you eat. We can show you how to boost your health in your own kitchen.

It’s time to give yourself the Gift Of Health.

Take your first step here

 Our next 6-week Gift of Health Food as Medicine Program starts Monday, March 1st.
This is your opportunity to get in the driver’s seat for your good health.

In Health,

Drs. Shobha and Arjun Rayapudi

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