
September 13, 2021

Here’s how Kim reversed her Fatty Liver, Diabetes, low Iron and Acid Reflux.

Post by giftofhealth

“When I first heard about Gift of Health’s Food as Medicine Program, I thought it was just what the Doctor ordered.. Learning a whole new lifestyle? I didn’t think it was possible, could I do it?

“I wanted to try Gift of Health’s Food as Medicine Program because as my cholesterol and blood sugar numbers kept getting higher, I recognized that I had to make some changes in my life. 

As luck would have it I tagged along with my sister Janice for support and thought I might get some interesting recipes in the course.  Little did I realize at that moment it was my first step toward better health and a better life.

Meet Kim…

In 2019 Kim was 50 Pounds heavier, was struggling with fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low iron and diabetes. She was feeling discouraged with her size and mounting health issues.

She was eating pretty healthy! Her diet used to be….

Typical breakfast – instant oatmeal with banana

Typical Lunch – Chicken breast with potato, turnip and carrot

Typical Supper – Spaghetti with meat sauce

Snacks – Cheese and crackers

Favourite primary food consisted of – lots of Pasta

Favourite comfort food – Anything with cheese

Eating out, at restaurants or take out places – twice a week

Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Kim shared her before picture with us, she tells us that this picture was taken in 2019 at a family get-together with her sister and she was so unhealthy and didn’t know how to help herself.

That’s when she joined the Gift of Health Food as Medicine Program along with her sister.

Through this program, she learned that our bodies are designed to heal with nourishing and tasty foods.

She jumped in with both feet and she saw success almost right away.

Her biggest success was that she saw her blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure levels drop to normal, resulting in lowering her diabetes medication by half and her doctor removing her from one of her blood pressure medications.  

But she did not stop there. While experiencing these benefits from the six week course, she decided to do the 6 month Gift of Health Self Mastery program and take this to new heights.

“I loved the Gift of Health’s 6 weeks Food as Medicine Program, because it’s a wonderful guided hand to a healthier life.. It aims to make the Whole Food Plant-Based lifestyle an easy transition. One thing I really liked was that I learned that my body was designed to heal with nourishing and tasty foods. The 6 week course really works hard to guide you and keep you from getting overwhelmed with bite-sized milestones but the 6-month program is transformative.

Her Fatty Liver disease has disappeared, she was amazed!

Her iron is now normal, no longer on medication.  

Not only has her health conditions improved but so has her life.  She has boundless energy to hike with her family.  She has newfound confidence and positive energy surrounds her. She has also been a role model for her family! They are enjoying the new plant-based foods she is cooking.  In fact, she inspired her daughter to transition to a plant-based diet.  Her husband although not 100 percent has benefited greatly, he even lost 50 pounds.

She released 50 pounds and is having fun shopping for a new wardrobe and a fun new haircut.  She is loving life right now. 

Today we are super happy to celebrate Kim’s inspiring milestone! We are smiling ear to ear, seeing these pictures and messages from Kim.  

“I hiked some beautiful trails this summer and even climbed Gros Morne mountain…things I couldn’t do for the last 15 to 20 years. Hiked Gros Morne mountain today. 17 Kms, 30,000 steps in 6 hours. Thanks so much to Dr Shoba and Dr Arjun Rayapudi who have literally changed my life…given me my life back. ”

We are super happy to celebrate Kim’s incredible transformation!


This could be your story too.  You CAN experience this type of freedom from needing to pop pills, fight frustrations, and thinking life will never change.  You can get Fit, Healthy and Happier, by simply taking charge of what you eat.  We can show you how to boost your health in your own kitchen.

Give yourself the Gift of Health.

Take your first step here

In Health,

Drs. Arjun and Shobha Rayapudi


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