
July 29, 2019

Plantify: Changing Rural Newfoundland’s Diet One Veggie at a Time

Post by giftofhealth

PLANTIFY An Absolutely Canadian documentary, directed by Martine Blue, features rural Newfoundlanders who’ve turned their health around by adopting a plant-based diet. It was aired on CBC on July 13th, 2019.

We are honoured that CBC produced this documentary based on the work of Drs. Arjun and Shobha Rayapudi’s Gift of Health program. This plant-based food program is changing lives and health outcomes in an area of Newfoundland and Labrador where diabetes and heart disease rates are some of the highest in the country.

Plantify tells the stories of people who lost weight they thought they would never lose, who regained mobility they thought they would never have again, and got off medications they thought they would have to be on forever. People discovered that simply using Food As Medicine was the answer.

Here is a sneak peek from Plantify that showcases Jim Cluett’s inspiring and incredible health journey.

More Praise for Plantify on CBC Here

Plantify was the second most-watched documentary in Canada last week!! 

It is available now on CBC Gem. Please watch and share.

(Please note that the link to the documentary is available only within Canada. We are working on making the documentary widely available.)

P.S. Stay tuned for upcoming Gift of Health workshops!