
January 23, 2019

Kudos Health Canada! New Canada Food Guide Recommends More Plant-Based Foods for Health

Post by giftofhealth

The 2019 Canada Food guide is a huge step in the right direction. Here are some highlights of the New Canada Food Guide.

1. There is much more emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans and less emphasis on meats and dairy products.
2. Water has also been given importance as the drink of the choice.
3. There was a special emphasis on choosing the plant-based proteins (beans, lentils, nuts, etc) over the animal-based proteins (dairy and meats).
4. Another notable thing was the focus on whole grains and advice to limit processed foods and foods with salt and sugar.
5. One more important highlight was the mention of limiting saturated fats (the top contributors of saturated fat are dairy products, eggs and meat).
6. It also stressed the importance of how to eat and not just what to eat “Healthy eating is more than foods you eat.”

We believe that there will be even less focus on dairy and meat-based foods in the next Canada Food Guide. The overwhelming body of scientific evidence is in favour of a plant-based diet and lifestyle, not only for the benefit of human health but also for environmental reasons.

That is why at Gift of Health we use food as medicine to prevent and reverse chronic diseases.

It is great to see that Health Canada did not bend to the pressures from the Big Food Industries (Meat and Dairy Industries)

Great Job Canada!

If you are looking for ideas for plant-based dishes check out the recipe section

A plant-based lifestyle is more effective than modern medicines and surgery for losing weight and reversing diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux and heart disease. In a weekend we can show you how to quickly and sustainably adopt a plant-based lifestyle so you can reclaim your health.
For more info and to register:

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